Monday, March 8, 2010

May I walk, please?

Downtown Kingstown is no more than a mile long. Still, if you choose to walk across town for something important (like Soursop sorbet :), people wonder why you aren't taking a 'van' (public transport). The funny thing is, I can walk across town faster than the vehicles during rush hour here, which is weekdays between 8-9 a.m.

I live in the beautiful village of Green Hill. I walk
the 2 miles to and from work daily, so to locals I'm crazy. I try to refuse rides from my neighbors as politely as possible, but sometimes there's just no saying 'no'! There is no public transportation on Sundays and holidays, and it's pretty hard to get anything after 11 p.m on the rest of the days (i.e. you can't get a van when you really need one). Visiting the sights seems to take more planning than I would have liked, and I'm not up to hitching like I used to in Belize...(yet).

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