Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chief complaints...

They drive on the WRONG side of the road.

They think I am functionally illiterate because I don't put extra letters in my words. Hello! There is no 'u' in "color" and no 'me' at the end of "program"! :) Also, I don't say "vex", "venue" or x, y, "zed", I "make" a decision rather than "take" one, and I say I will "get ready" instead of "organize myself".

Okay, I'm just kidding about this stuff, but for real...

Vans, the main form of transport, go much too fast through the steep, narrow streets and nearly every time I ride in one, I find myself crossing myself...and I'm not even Catholic! When I first arrived, I asked how people know which van to take because there are no signs on the vans. They said they just recognized the vehicles. Seems absurd, but I now do the same! Plus, the vans all have names (while the streets don't). The one pictured is "Be loyal 2 D game", printed on its back :)

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