Sunday, June 6, 2010

April 30 - May 30, 2010

This month I:

Conducted HIV/AIDS awareness sessions, wrote a grant, and designed a website.

Went to an art show, a book launching (breadfruit recipes), and a choral speech contest.

Saw the crew of a dugout canoe paddle in from Bequia, the opening of Vincy Mas, and Parliament in action (inaction?)

Attended a funeral, a Confirmation, and Whit Monday fete.

Witnessed a stabbing, a near drowning, and corporal punishment to the excess.

Played tennis, American football, and snorkeled.

Celebrated Mother's Day, my 22nd anniversary, and Indian Arrival Day.

So this weekend... me jos lime!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Indian Arrival Day!

Was in Trinidad May 30th, a national holiday commemorating the 165th anniversary of the arrival of East Indians to her shores. From 1845 to 1917, over 143,000 Indians traveled 14,000 miles to become indentured laborers. The first ship was Fath al Razak ('Victory to Allah the Sustainer'), that brought over 200 adults. Many passengers did not survive the 103 day trip, but those who did worked for about 20 cents a day in conditions akin to slavery. Their descendants trace their ancestry to Uttar Pradesh, the place of my own paternal roots.

At first I thought the idea of celebrating our enslavement was so ludicrous that I had to see it for myself. It is certainly in keeping with the stereotype that Indians celebrate everything...they say there is an Indian festival for every day of the year.

As it turns out, I enjoyed acknowledging the indelible mark that Indians have made in Trinidad, from foods like Roti and Dalpoori to the Chutney style of music.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Guess what season it is!

My neighbors think it hilarious that I don't know the difference between types of mangoes. I think it hilarious that they actually REFUSE a mango if it is not a type they like.
So far I've tried Julie, Old Wind, Dibique, Haas (horse?), Paulover, Glasco, and Grafted, most of which are pictured here (but don't ask me which is which:) BTW, I think it is a myth that you cannot get fat eating mangoes...I may have to be rolled home!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Amazona Guildingii

Vincy Parrot. Found only on the island of St. Vincent. Endangered, only about 500 left. Saw this guy at the Rehab/Breeding Centre at the Botanical Gardens. At 45 years old , he's the oldest to be born and raised in captivity. And he and his friends can talk like humans :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Red belly and tea... time to chillax!

The end of a not so good, pretty bad week. I guess some days are horrible, even in paradise.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Passion Vine (in front of my house)

Tried to grow this in Phoenix once. Ended up harvesting caterpillars and hatching them into beautiful butterflies on my windowsill, as my boys will tell you. The boys stayed home from school to watch some hatch, so they still remember. (In keeping with Twain, we try never to let our schooling interfere with our education :) In any case, the Monarchs (butterflies) eventually overwhelmed the vine. (Oh, so THIS is what it was supposed to look like!)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chief complaints...

They drive on the WRONG side of the road.

They think I am functionally illiterate because I don't put extra letters in my words. Hello! There is no 'u' in "color" and no 'me' at the end of "program"! :) Also, I don't say "vex", "venue" or x, y, "zed", I "make" a decision rather than "take" one, and I say I will "get ready" instead of "organize myself".

Okay, I'm just kidding about this stuff, but for real...

Vans, the main form of transport, go much too fast through the steep, narrow streets and nearly every time I ride in one, I find myself crossing myself...and I'm not even Catholic! When I first arrived, I asked how people know which van to take because there are no signs on the vans. They said they just recognized the vehicles. Seems absurd, but I now do the same! Plus, the vans all have names (while the streets don't). The one pictured is "Be loyal 2 D game", printed on its back :)