Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vincy Food & Culture

The food is delish! Saltfish and breadfruit are the national dish. Lots of 'roti' and 'pelou' too...same names but not the same as the Indian versions. Pelou is rice fried with pieces of meat, which gets it's brown coloring from brown sugar that has been carmelized. Roti is usually pelou, potatoes or 'chunks' (soy cubes) wrapped in a thin whole wheat tortilla (see photo). Also have KFC on every corner! Thankfully, this is balanced by 'Ital' places ...Rasta run eateries serving only 'vitals' (healthy, veggie fare) that make it easy to go meatless here. The photo is from "Ras-ital", with fresh sorrel and passionfruit juice to top off lunch:) Sorry, it's half eaten....we were hungry.
As for the culture....

The thing that stands out is that church is very much in season. My landlord went to church 5 times last week. He asked if I wanted to join, but I said I would wait awhile since he had gone enough for both of us. It is also VERY Old Testament here (i.e. eye for an eye). The main churches seem to be Evangelical, Pentecostal, Apostolic, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Seventh Day. As we say here (at any/every event/opportunity!), in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Finally in St. Vincent!

Arrived in St. Vincent on February 20th. Saw some black sand beaches as we flew down the leeward side from St. Lucia. First impression: Green, lush, beautiful!...and this is during a water shortage due to lack of rain throughout the region.

Had been here less than 24 hours and was already receiving fruits from neighbors. Most everyone has a small farm of some sort. There is a guava tree in back of my place and four mango trees I can see out the front window across the lane. (Mouth watering yet?:) The other things in the photo are lime, plum rose and cherry.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Passport, yellow card, ticket. Check. Sunshades, sunscreen, visor. Check. Camera, ipod, flashdrive. Check. Sense of humor...remember to pick one up en route, possibly in Miami:)
Okay, I’m ready. Off to St., that sounds a lot more romantic than it really is. I’ll be in training. xoxo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The What, Where, Why, and When

The position I've been recruited for involves training youth to serve as peer educators for HIV/AIDS issues in rural communities in St. Vincent. The expectation is that the program will be formally sanctioned under one of the government ministries, thereby improving chances for sustainability. I will be in St. Vincent from February 20th - August 20th, 6 months.

And guess what...LIAT issued a PAPER ticket for the return (seriously!). Good luck to me holding on to it till then :)